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Hi! I'm  Sakshi

“Do I contradict myself? Very well  then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.”  


-Walt Whitman (Song of Myself)


Hi, I am a 23-year old girl, currently studying a very unconventional discipline, called MA Law Politics and Society, at Ambedkar University (Delhi, India). I cultivate my being through reading, writing, working out, dancing and of course connecting to like minded people.

Through seeking ways to disagree with myself to discover what my true thoughts are, everyday I give birth to a new me. The path of self awareness and truth, isn’t the most comfortable one. But ignorance is no place for permanent dwelling. Hence, the story of my journey starts amidst very turbulent times. When I entered college, stepped into adulthood,  and was exposed to the world, one sharp thing that threw my world spinning was- there’s so much sadness within and without. I see hopelessness gripping all spheres of our lives. The overbearing presence of TINA ( There Is No Alternative), the choiceless nature of choice felt extremely oppressive.I believe, as a human being, what makes us fulfilled and self-worthy is the very practise of our judgement and choice. 


The confinement of immobility that I’ve experienced as a woman, there’s so much formative development that is lost when you’re immobile. Your perception is reduced, your imagination is shrunken, your hope becomes hollow, everything seems to collapse within the logic of four walls. Call it identity crisis or existential crisis, I was a freely suspended particle with no anchor. 

But then “It's only after the darkest hour of night, do the first rays of sunlight break from the horizon.” The sorrows and happiness in my life are similarly wedded together like dusk and dawn.


After a long gap year of introspection I decided to, as Emerson would say, “hitch my wagon to a star.” So here I am, writing and contemplating. Writing is my safe haven of dwelling. If I had the opportunity to choose what I represent- I’ll choose the hundreds of beautiful stories and ideas, both big and small, simple and extraordinary, that left me baffled, and transformed a part of me, finally into who I am.


I dream of travelling intensively and writing profoundly. I want to lay my claim to movement, to inhabit every corner of this planet. It’s not an escape, but a transcendence to a more truthful being, where your rhythmic breathing along each step of the trail becomes meditation unto itself. From the smallest streets to hidden brooks, I want to see everything, learn everything, meet everyone, and fall in love with everything about this planet.


In Thoreau’s words “ I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach me, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”


Thanks for submitting!

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